Sunday, March 18, 2012

Official video proof of...

me shattering my earliest-ski-set-of-the-year record*

Yeah, the camerawork is a bit, shall we say, dizzying, and the skiing is barely watchable.  But Damnit, I got on the water in Mid March!  That has to count for something.

I was not the only skier to begin his season that day.

Blink and you'll miss it, but Brian skied...

and had some fun with my camera too

*Hardly an impressive feat, given that the Leprechaun left 75 degrees and sunshine in place of a pot of gold.  I did not brave the elements (save a sunburn) to start early.  That being said, I beat by early start date by 10 days, so to quote Droopy "you know what, I'm happy."


Michael Cuthbert said...

in order to buy outboard motor cover, cleansing wax etc, you should visit to water ski shops without any delays.

Water Ski


Fishing Kayaks For Sale

Kayaks For Sale



Unknown said...

Great Videos. Thanks for sharing. I love the experience. I hope I can do the same too. I've been doing Scuba Diving in Indonesia and I want to try this one too.