Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Short answer is...

Hell Yes!

"FROM: Richelle Matli, AWSA Rules Committee Chair

SUBJECT: AWSA Rules Committee Survey Regarding Proposed Increase in Jump Speeds

In the past several weeks, you were e-mailed a survey regarding proposed changes to jump speeds for the divisions listed below. The AWSA Rules Committee would like to give as many affected jumpers as possible, the opportunity to respond to the survey so that the committee has adequate data on which to base its recommendations.

If you have already submitted your survey, thank you! If not, please take a moment to complete the survey using the appropriate link below. Even if you think the proposed changes do not affect you, we want your feedback. We have extended the survey deadline to April 15, 2011.

If you know of any jump skiers that would be affected by this proposal who do not check e-mail on a regular basis, please ask them to do so or inform USA Water Ski or myself of their choices."

I say raise the speeds (and while you're at it, the ramp too, but that is another debate). Any M3 skier that wants to jump @ 33.6 is welcome to continue doing so.

Raise the speeds USAWS!

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