Sunday, June 14, 2009

Though posting average-at-best scores...

I fell in Love with Clearwater Beach and the annual Des Moines slalom tournament. That place is almost perfect.
What is so great about it?

I'll show you

Muddin' 2

Beach Girls 3

DSM slalom 5

Mud ridin', titty bars and waterskiing: The zenith (or trough) of modern civilization.

Like I said, almost perfect.

One quick addition:
DSM slalom 7

Now it's perfect.


Rowboat Abides said...

serious. I am in awe of your mspaint skills. you should look into doing that professionally.

Libby said...

I think the person slaloming will hit the ramp. Just sayin.

BTW - were you skiing yesterday or enjoying adult entertainment?

Rykert said...

The "average-at-best scores" refer to slalom passes.

Libby said...

Thanks for clearing that up, because I was beginning to wonder what shenanigans you were really up to yesterday.

But frankly, "average at best" is probably accurate for an establishment of that type in that particular place. In the middle of the day. On a Sunday.