Thursday, May 29, 2008

We hath begun to awaken...

the sleeping ramp.

Note: all spirited commentary courtesy of 6-year-old Rachel, soon to be a skier herself

Pat has been doing mainly cut sets

I've done a few singles

Screw the singles, I'll just do a few easy three-quarter cuts.

Rick is still slaloming

though not quite up to snuff yet.

Nola, as always, has been providing dockside encouragement/harrassment.

Next: a quandary over jump terminology


Eric said...

I thought Nola would have the CRB cooler by her on the dock?

Libby said...

Single? Three quarter? Crazy. I want some credit for pointing out the absurdity of the terminology if that's where you're going.

And look at that good little ski puppy. Awwww....