Friday, September 01, 2006

In just two weeks...

I'll have high speed internet. Then, maybe I'll post more often. It's hard to stay motivated when everything takes 10x as long as it should because you spend





ting for stuff to process. But anyway, here are a few shots from the Omaha Open. This tournament is supposed to be at Carter Lake. But it had to be moved TO Championship Lake Estates in Yutan, NE because of one teeny little problem: Not enough water in Carter Lake. I swear, some people freak out over the tiniest little detail.

my obligatory lake shots:

The north end:
north view

The south end:
south view

One of the unfortunate consequences of AWSA's 2008 switch to a rankings-based system will be the renaming of streets around ski sites. Just ask Bud and Janet Piercy

rename the road

How about Rank Road, or Cut-Off Average Court? Top 30% for each event, including overall, Thoroughfare? More brainstorming is in order.

Back to the tournament. There was a stiff north wind all weekend, and slalom starts on the North end. Very few skiers made it through their third pass , yours truly included. Your fearless blog moderator even dropped his opening pass in round 1.

jim mcg slalom
Jim Mclaughlin

bud piercy slalom
Bud Piercy

anonymous spray

Trick pictures were, dare I say, tricky. My rope leg hamstring still ailing, I sat out tricks this weekend. That meant lots of trick judging. It is extremely difficult to call tricks and take pictures at the same time. I had to point the camera at a spot on the lake as soon as the boat pulled the skier up at the far end of the lake. Not staring directly into the screen (I was judging), I had to wait for the boat to enter the screen and wait for a second or two, then click the button. I also had to figure a significant shutter delay. I was hoping to get the skier in the center of the shot. It didn't work

this one was a little early
mary jo trick
Mary Jo Pinkerton

This one was a little late, and I didn't zoom in enough.
mae mae
Merill Magelli, 2k6 W3 tricks champ

Way late on the button.
jim mcg trick
Jim Mclaughlin

The persistent north wind brought near-perfect jump conditions all weekend.

Cory Piercy, 140' His best jump since returning from a two-year tour of duty in Iraq
cory piercy home game

Unfortunately, he was the first jumper of the weekend, and a guinea pig for my pictures. After he jumped, I realized that I could get better shots at the other side of the lake, closer to the ramp.

Steve Prociw, 101' and a huge monkey (more like a gorilla) off his back
steve prociw 1
steve prociw 2

Jim Lindgren, 136' at his first tournament in M4
jim lindgren 1
jim lindgren 2

Jim Mclaughlin, didn't catch the distance
jim mcg jump

I popped out a 145 footer, despite some problems with my jumpsuit. Thank God for duck tape
intensity smoothskin
Now available in fashionable yellow!

Next post: cussing, straining, and head bumping with jammed props!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello. My name is tucker johnson.I am trying to get a water-ski team started at UNL. I have made some contact with skiers in Nebraska, USA waterski, and the university. Is there any chance you could help or even point me in the right direction?